HODLChronicles nb 1

2 min readJan 11, 2021

Series: Community

Event: HODLChronicles

Topic: What are the HODLChronicles?

All about HODLChronicles

Welcome to the HODLChronicles!

We’re excited to be writing the first HODLChronicle, and where better to start than explaining what the HODLChronicles are and why they came to be.

The HODLChronicles will explain various concepts and technologies surrounding the HODLCommunity. They will also discuss the economics of the project, alongside use cases, partnerships, or other vital aspects of the HODLCommunity project. The idea for the HODLChronicles came about when we realized that we have a lot of information to share with you, which wasn’t necessarily covered in the Community Updates.

In the HODLChronicles, we’ll be doing a deep dive so that you get a thorough understanding of what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. However, to keep from overwhelming you, we have broken down the chronicles by series, event, then topic. For example:

Series: Community

Event: HODLChronicles

Topic: What are the HODLChronicles?

Be forewarned, some of these might be a bit intense. If you can’t find the answers you need through a Google search, you’re always welcome to ask them in the Telegram group.

As we are billed as ‘taking the crypto out of the crypto experience’, we understand that not all of the information will be of interest to everyone. If that is the case, please pick and choose what you’d like to read here. Having said that, we consider it imperative that our community members be able to have a thorough understanding of the project and what we intend to accomplish with this amazing project if they so wish.

The series will be broken down as:

  • Meta asset, ‘the tokens’;
  • Commercial/Financial, ‘the ecosystem’;
  • Community, ‘the foundation’.

Subjects that will be covered include:

  • Infrastructure
  • White paper
  • Economics
  • Ecosystem
  • Foundation
  • Use Cases
  • Community

The topics will be explained using examples and analogies to ensure that our community understands the full breadth of what is being done.

Due to the amount of information to be disseminated, we will be publishing frequently on Medium and resharing on social media.

If you have questions, we welcome answering them in the next Ask Me Anything or Fireside Chat.

See you there!

The HODLC Team

#HODLCommunity #HODLdex #DeFi #ethereum #bitcoin #cryptocurrencies #HODLC #HODLT

Find out more:

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/TbEAVOz-pnliU6WQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HODLCommunity

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HODLCommunity

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/69947059

Medium: https://hodlcommunity.medium.com/

Website: https://hodlcommunity.org/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2RB-CBIw4X-OgNYFFSU10Q




HODLCommunity proposes the vision of a sustainable economy for anyone, either individual or organization by the usage of a disruptive new algorithmic token