Community Update: 2020–11–17

3 min readNov 18, 2020

Hello StakeHODL’ers!

We are back with another update — progress on many fronts!

We are currently preparing our next update for the #HODLdex with some code enhancements, distribution claims, and the long-awaited calculator. We are excited to be able to roll these out to you and hope you will enjoy them as much as we do.

Blank space

Our UI team is working exceptionally hard to deliver and upgrade the experience of our community members.

In our quest to keep the system streamlined, the UI will no longer show the buy order side. We changed this because:

  1. No buy order can exist when there is a sell order — the sell order immediately fills the buy order;
  2. Until the reserve is empty, the reserve will fill any open buy orders (after sell orders have been processed).

So it seemed illogical to have an empty side at the moment. Once the reserve is empty, the issue will be revisited.

The system currently has a long list of sell orders. This is not a problem in itself. We expect that there might be hundreds, even thousands of them in a day as the project develops. This is healthy for the system and stimulates growth. Please keep in mind velocity and volume — that is what will be created and sustained by community building, and afterward with ecosystem development.

…Ready for it?

We are also making progress on our technological side with the continued development of our EOS ledger family. Our newest family member is the HCEOSUSD/HTEOSUSD pair (try saying that three times fast!). This will enable our community members to interact with the HODLCommunity network from two ledgers.

Put that chequebook away! There’s more!

As both of the ledgers will impact the entire HODLCommunity network’s price velocity, participating in any network will benefit everyone.

We expect to announce a release date in the next 5–6 weeks.

In time, all the main ledgers such as BTC, Tron, Stellar will be included.

Everything has changed

White paper v2 is also getting a last review after the discussions with our legal partners and should be published as a v2.0 in the next two weeks.

Our song

Community building efforts and the development of the correct core messaging to reach crypto enthusiasts have been our priority.

We are preparing to launch a PR campaign comprising of many elements:

  • World-class website;
  • Explainer videos and animations;
  • Articles on tier 3–2–1 crypto media;
  • Podcasts, interviews with crypto groups, media groups, and crypto influencers;
  • Telegram, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook community building and management;
  • Targeted growth hacking campaign;
  • Publications and posts in relevant blogs and site (Reddit, Bitcointalk, etc.);
  • Partnerships with other telegram groups;
  • Collectible NFT reward campaign for our community;
  • and more (we can’t tell you everything now, but we are chair dancing on this side of the computer).

You belong with me

In parallel, we are working with motivated ecosystem candidates to help bring their projects into the HODLCommunity network.

This comprises institutional initiatives as well as crypto initiatives. Some of these initiatives will bring our community members the ability to buy and sell HODLC with fiat money, making our adoption easier and possibly even viral.

End game

Finally, opening a crypto foundation takes a lot of time and effort. However, the journey is well underway for the opening of the HODLCommunity Foundation. We look forward to being able to give you a big update in the future.

That’s all the news that’s fit to print. If you’re looking for opportunities to help move the project further, the simplest and easiest thing to do is to talk about it on social media.

The HODLC Team

p.s. Today’s headings are all related — have you figured out how? So groan-worthy!




HODLCommunity proposes the vision of a sustainable economy for anyone, either individual or organization by the usage of a disruptive new algorithmic token